Sunday 13 April 2008

(Say it out loud) Pes to dinata - Despina olumpiou

The two of us....The two of us....
Again, again, again a light turns on
The heart becomes strong again
And as a clif was opened in frond of us
Now in front of us opens a road

Now the love begins...
Now the life begins...
From the mistakes a new beginning is born!

Say it out loud that you love me!
Say it out loud that I love you!
From zero to rebuild the sky....

Say it outloud that you love me!
Say it out loud that I love you!
From zero to become one again... the two of us...

The two of us...

Again, again, again I’ll touch from the earth
Again, again I'll touch the sky.
Throw a ladder to my eyes
And I’ll climb till the stars.

Now the love begins...
Now the life begins...
From the mistakes a new beginning is born!

Say it out loud that you love me!
Say it out loud that I love you!
From zero to rebuild the sky....
Say it outloud that you love me!
Say it out loud that I love you!
From zero to become one again... the two of us...
The two of us...

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