A rift is open inside of us
Don’t talk… Words cannot fill in the void for us
Don’t say that you love me…
Life fell through the crack
A crack in our eyes and we became enemies
Don’t speak… Night has no places for you to travel me anymore
The words you are looking for are far far away
Don’t swear to me , don’t swear sweetheart
Don’t love me; don’t even bother to love me
All these dreams scattered around me
And they can not come back with just a vow
Dreams cannot come back for us anymore
Our clouds set and they cannot come back
A rift lives between us
A rift and you are to the other side
Don’t speak… Those who leave, don’t speak anymore
Even if the heart still wants them… they are gone…
Don’t swear …
Μια ρωγμή φέγγει στα μάτια μας
Μια ρωγμή άνοιξε μέσα μας
Μη μιλάς, τα λόγια δε γεμίζουν το κενό για μάς
μην πεις πως μ' αγαπάς
Μια ρωγμή και έπεσε η ζωή στα μάτια
Μια ρωγμή και γίναμε εχθροί
Μη μιλάς, δεν έχει πια ταξίδια η νύχτα να με πας
τα λόγια που ζητάς φύγανε
Μην ορκίζεσαι, μην ορκίζεσαι μάτια μου
μη μ' αγαπάς, μην κάνεις τον κόπο
Τόσα όνειρα που σκορπίσανε γύρω μου
δε γυρνούν ξανά απλά μ' έναν όρκο
Δε γυρνούν ξανά τα όνειρα για' μάς
δε γυρνούν ξανά τα σύννεφα μας δύσανε
Μια ρωγμή ανάμεσά μας ζει
Μια ρωγμή και είσαι απέναντι
Μη μιλάς, οι άνθρωποι που φεύγουν δε μιλάνε πια
και ας θέλει η καρδιά, φύγανε
Μην ορκίζεσαι...
Hi people! I a Spanish girl interested in Greek music. Actually, I love Nikos Xidakis and Manos Ahalinitopoulos and I assisted to a couple of concerts tht Elefthteria performed in Spain last year. I have a problem with a song that a friend recorded for me. We dont know the name of the song nor the lyrics and we dont understand anything since it is in Greek!! I really love this song and I would like to know the title at least to find the singer, lyrics, etc...could anyone help me? Could I send the mp3 file somwhere/someone? My e- mail address is anna.isolde@gmail.com
Nice translation! The only thing I think could be changed is the refrain: instead of "don't swear to me," maybe "don't make me any promises"...orkizesai I think means to take an oath in Greek, which in some cases you can use the word "swear," but "swearing" also means using profanity.
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